Endurance Development Specialists


Endurance Development Specialists can help you in the Tunnel or on the Track.

Magnus Ditlev, one of the best endurance Triathletes in the world, said that he gained nearly 40 watts in his position between 2020 and2022!

There is a staggering amount to be gained in aero dynamics whether you are a pro or a recreational rider. Saving Watts and reducing your CDA (drag) simply means you will got faster for the same effort. Why wouldn’t you want to make gains here?

One of the services we offer is Aero Testing for Road Cyclists, Triathletes and Time Trialists and the gains can be enormous, anywhere from 10-40 watts! We use the latest tech from NOTIO which is an onboard Aero Sensor to get real life date and see the savings without any guesswork.

We can try out equipment, Aerodynamic aids, Position changes and everything in between.

The best gains are to get your bike fit done with us, then roll into the testing so you are dialled in.


We are offering two options: 

Option 1-

Bike Fit and Aero Testing Package, this will cover a full and comprehensive Bike Fit. We will do a full aero audit on your position, make the changes we need to make to optimize your aero set up and make recommendations to get the most gains for you. We will test your available equipment and discuss any options that could help you go faster!

This would be a full day option to get the most out of this. 

Option 2-

Aero Testing Package only, all of the above but without the bike fit in full. This would suit someone who is very happy with their current set up but just looking to go faster and make tweaks, rather than wholesale changes.

This would be a half day option.


Call, message or email to discuss and book in, this is something we are super passionate and excited about and are one of the only places in the country offering this kind of package.

We are happy to work in with Coaching Groups or Clubs or all sizes.

Copyright © Endurance Development Specialists 2023